Andrew and Leila’s Wedding

April 27, 2019 East Fremantle

17 contributions Event Finished

Thanks for checking out our online gift registry. Any and all contributions are warmly welcomed.
We’ve decided on a couple of things that we’ve wanted for a while. The honeymoon has been the last thing on our minds so we have no idea where it will be, but some extra funds towards it would definitely come in handy. As for homewares, we’re looking to get a new fridge and some other bits and pieces for the house! We’ve also included a section for books which Leila will use to tell awesome stories to her future students.
Lots of love, Andrew and Leila.



Destination TBC but somewhere warm!

12 contributions

Event Finished


A new fridge, home decor and more.

4 contributions

Event Finished


Kids' books as well as some for us!

1 contribution

Event Finished

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