Baby Denny
No contributions yet Event Finished
A list of things that Baby Denny or parents need. Don’t feel that you have to buy a present, anything is appreciated. Thanks x
Don’t put donations through the website, feel free to buy any gift yourself x
Nappies Newborn to 1, Wipes
Good to stock up on.
0 contributions
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Hygiene Products - baby powder, nappy cream, oils
Good to stock up on.
0 contributions
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Blankets, Wraps
0 contributions
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Baby sheets for bassinet or cot
0 contributions
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Onesies 0000s to 1
0 contributions
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Cute outfits any size
0 contributions
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Beanies, Mittens, Booties 0-6months
0 contributions
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0 contributions
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$$ towards a baby photoshoot
0 contributions
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Anything you think we will need.
Everything is appreciated. The list above is a guide to help if you are wanting to buy a gift but unsure what to get. Please don't feel the need to buy a present. Your love and support is the best gift we could receive.
0 contributions
$1 remaining