Jamie & Heather’s Engagement

December 10, 2016
27 Mariposa Road, Bilgola Plateau

No contributions yet Event Finished

If you have been to our house, you will know that we currently have two sofas that were donated to us by Heather’s parents (which they originally brought with them from the UK!) . They have served us well but we would love to treat ourselves to new ones! It is a big item that would take us a long time to save up for - and as people have been asking what they can get us for an engagement present, we thought we would set up this online couch fund. This is very much optional, please do not feel obligated. Any and all contributions are warmly appreciated – and either way, we’ll have you around to sit on them!Thank you very much,Jamie and Heather

Delta II Sofa Package from King Furniture

Delta II Sofa Package from King Furniture

8 contributions

Event Finished

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