For Our Baby Girl
6 contributions Event Finished
To all our family and friends who are unable to travel at this time, we wish to invite you to a virtual baby shower for our baby girl who is arriving in mid-October! We will invite you via Facebook to join us for a Zoom call soon.
In the meantime, if you wish to choose a gift from the registry to shower upon us all gifts are greatly appreciated!
We have already acquired almost everything needed, but there are a few extra things that would bring about great delight in our lives, reminding us of all of you who we miss so much.
Hopefully it won’t be long until we can see each other again, and you can meet our daughter and her brother Micah (who can hardly wait for her to be born).
With warmth and love,
Gillian and Jono
Baby Bedding
Sand design fitted bassinet sheet from Kiin Baby
1 contribution
Nursery Lighting
Ball string lights from Lummi & Co.
1 contribution
Baby Bottles
Quoddle mini bottle two pack
0 contributions
$49 remaining
Bottom Balm
Nature’s Child Bottom Balm
1 contribution
Wooden Rattle and Baby Toy
Skwish by The Manhattan Toy Co.
0 contributions
$28 remaining
Sleeping bag
Organic cotton sleeping bag from Kmart
1 contribution
Newborn Nappies & Wipes
We have cloth nappies but will use these until she grows a bit bigger
0 contributions
$25 remaining
Bed Canopy (Gazebo-sized)
We don’t have screens on our windows so we would like a good mosquito net. This one is large enough that it entirely screens off the part of our bedroom that has our family bed in it.
0 contributions
$179 remaining
Broadbrim Sunhat for Swimming
From PureBaby
0 contributions
$29 remaining
Long-sleeved Rashie for Swimming
From PureBaby
1 contribution
Round Beach Towel
From Plivati, 1.5m round towel for baby to crawl around on when we’re at the beach.
0 contributions
$55 remaining
Beach Sun Shade
From PyramidShades on Etsy
0 contributions
$83 remaining
Baby Carrier
From Burrow, comes highly recommended from my friend who is a mother of four!
1 contribution