Michael and Rosie’s Wedding
March 7, 2020
Robertson, NSW
45 contributions Event Finished
So you want to give a gift, but what in the world should you give??!
Well, we’ve taken the effort out of finding and bringing a gift by adding some select bits and bobs that might go well in our new home!!! Feel free to add to any of them, with as little or as much as you wish!!
We hope you enjoy the big day, and can’t wait to see you all there!!
Rosie and Michael xxx
6 contributions
4 contributions
$650 remaining
Dot Coat Hangers
1 contribution
Lounge Suite
6 contributions
$3000 remaining
Lounge Chairs
1 contribution
$700 remaining
Coffee Table
1 contribution
$1450 remaining
Indoor Plants
3 contributions
$62 remaining
1 contribution
$700 remaining
13 contributions
Coffee Machine
3 contributions
New TV
6 contributions
$450 remaining