Wishing Well for the Wedding of Sarah Diana McPherson and Matthew Thomas Stopel
September 30, 2017
Ecostudio Fellini, Gold Coast, QLD, 4213
No contributions yet Event Finished
We have set up an online Wishing Well for you to contribute to either our honeymoon or our new home. A Wishing Well will also be available at the reception. We look forward to celebrating our special day with you. On selecting the link, a pin code will be required. Please use PIN: 2309
Now we are to be Mr & Mrs we don’t need a wedding list of dishes. A honeymoon is what we need, so your help with this would be a great gift indeed
5 contributions
So what do you get for the bride and groom, whose house needs work in every room? If buying a gift please don’t be rash, as there’s always the option to just give cash
6 contributions