Stuff Hannah really wants but can’t really afford herself

December 25, 2019 Melbourne

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Sooooo, I, like all other humans, really enjoy stuff, but between saving and surviving, I rarely get to treat myself to anything new.
I also never really know what to tell people when they ask me what I would like for birthdays or christmas without feeling greedy, so I guess I’m just setting up this for people to just visit and work out what they personally would like to get me, without any pressure.
You’ll find that it’s mostly books because they are always slightly out of my price range for what I can justifiably splurge on myself, but who knows what I’ll add to here once I get going.
And apologies in advance for how impersonal this may seem, but I do enjoy a slight bit of surprise with my presents (who doesn’t) and I never know on the spot what to tell people what to get me for gifts, along with the guilt with asking people for things, plus it takes out all the guess work!

The Witch Doesn't Burn In This One - Amanda Lovelace

The Witch Doesn't Burn In This One - Amanda Lovelace


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