Timothy and Karina’s Wedding

March 28, 2020
Brockhurst Farm, 2250 Mount Mee Rd, Ocean View QLD 452

3 contributions Event Finished

Karina and I are really excited to be able to share our wedding with you all. We value everything that you have brought to our lives thus far and know you will continue to be there for us in the future.
If you were thinking of giving a gift to help us on our way we would appreciate any contributions towards our house. We’ve had a challenging year since the house fire and we continue to replace some of the items we lost. Any gift contributions would really make our day. However, if you prefer a gift, feel free to surprise us in your own special way.



We're off to Vietnam for our honeymoon!!!

0 contributions

$3000 remaining

Event Finished
Dining Table & Chairs

Dining Table & Chairs

Now that we have somewhere to put it after the renovations Karina has her eye on this dining table from Soul Living.

0 contributions

$1200 remaining

Event Finished


We're looking forward to a new addition to the master bedroom.

0 contributions

$1100 remaining

Event Finished
Bedside Tables

Bedside Tables

We're just finishing our home renovations so are excited about putting some new furniture in the master bedroom.

0 contributions

$500 remaining

Event Finished


Karina thinks it's time to replace the grey and brown sheets I used to 'style' with.

0 contributions

$400 remaining

Event Finished
Towels/Tea Towels

Towels/Tea Towels

As much as I valued getting them in the first place it's definitely time to replace some of the holey and hand-me-down versions :)

0 contributions

$200 remaining

Event Finished


Our old knife set didn't survive the fire.

1 contribution

Event Finished


Looking forward to replacing the pantry tupperware that melted in the house fire.

0 contributions

$200 remaining

Event Finished
Coffee Machine

Coffee Machine

Karina is looking forward to replacing the coffee machine we lost in the fire :)

1 contribution

Event Finished


We're overdue for some new pillows... this is how many pillows Karina would put on the bed if she could.

0 contributions

$400 remaining

Event Finished
Chopping Board

Chopping Board

Above is a true representation of our dearly departed chopping boards.

1 contribution

Event Finished
Great Dane

Great Dane

Karina thinks a Great Dane would be a good addition to the family. Any contributions will go towards running a manure operating facility or hiring a child to scoop poop for the rest of their life.

0 contributions

$10000 remaining

Event Finished

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