Gift box

Gift Registry Geelong

Congratulations on finding the #1 online gift registry in Geelong!

We help people receive financial gifts so they can buy the things they really want, for their wedding, engagement, honeymoon, or anything else!

  • Create unlimited items from both physical and online stores.
  • Receive payments from your guests and spend how you like.
  • Send e-invitations, get RSVPS, collect dietary requirements

Create registry


As seen on

Collect funds,
not unwanted gifts

We make it easy to collect funds so you can
buy everything you want, instead of collecting
gifts that you don't need.


How it works

Everyone will love your gift registry
because it's so easy to use.

Quick set up

Get your gift registry up and running in under 1 minute. Guests can contribute towards a list of items so they can see how you'll use their donations, or they can donate towards a wishing well instead!


Share your link with guests

Include your unique link on invitations & share it with your guests so they can easily make a contribution. We can also send free reminders for you.

Send e-Invitations & RSVPS

Easily add your guests & send unlimited e-invitations. Guests can RSVP with a simple click of a button!


Start spending

Claim the funds your guests contribute as a lump sum with preloaded cards and then spend the money on the things you really want. No need to return or re-gift anything ever again!

More than just a gift registry

My Gift Registry is the online gift registry you can be using within minutes. You can also save the tress, and your sanity with our e-invitations and RSVP system which will track dietary requirements, manage guests and more!

Online Gift



• • •

Add unlimited items from both physical and online stores

Can be viewed by overseas guests

Get set up in less than 1 minute

Registry &
Wishing Well



Everything from basic, plus

Combined Gift Registry & Wishing Well

Receive full/partial contributions

Redeem funds to spend how you like

Automatic guest reminders

Contributions automatically tracked for "thank you" cards

Registry & Wishing Well
e-Invitations & RSVPS



Everything from basic, plus

RSVP management

Guest dietary requirements

Send unlimited e-invitations

Collect guest contact details

Export guest details & responses

Share guest links directly

Manage & update guest details


620,541 people have used My Gift Registry

A gift registry for every milestone

My Gift Registry is the easiest way to create an online gift registry or wishing well for weddings, engagement party, baby shower, housewarming, birthday, or any other event.

Check out some examples below and see how it works!


My Gift Registry versus the rest...


Ready to get started?

Sign up for FREE and get your gift registry started in under 1 minute!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is My Gift Registry secure?

Absolutely! We take security extremely seriously which is why we've built our system to be the most secure service available. Learn more...

Can overseas guests use this service too?

Yes! Our system is capable of receiving transactions from all over the world, so friends and family in other countries will also be able to easily make a purchase too.

Can I combine an online wishing well, and an online gift registry?

Yes. Our system is so advanced, it allows you to have the best of both worlds! Learn more...

Can I see who made a contribution?

Yes. You can see a list of all contributions made to your gift registry via the contributions section when you log in to your account.

The list will include the name, item, and the amount each person contributed. This is especially useful if you'd like to send Thank You cards to your guests!